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Der Erwachsene achtet auf Taten, das Kind auf Liebe

Indisches Sprichwort

Es gibt keine großen Entdeckungen und Fortschritte, solange es noch ein unglückliches Kind auf Erden gibt.

Albert Einstein

Es gibt keine großen Entdeckungen und Fortschritte, solange es noch ein unglückliches Kind auf Erden gibt.

Albert Einstein

Wenn wir wahren Frieden in der Welt erlangen wollen, müssen wir bei den Kindern anfangen.

Mahatma Gandhi

Zwei Dinge sollen Kinder von ihren Eltern bekommen: Wurzeln und Flügel.

J. W. von Goethe

Wie der Mond die Strahlen der Sonne spiegelt, spiegeln Kinder das Licht der Liebe.

Andreas Tenzer

Die höchste Weisheit bleibt die des Herzens.

Spruch der Indianer

Du musst die Dinge mit dem Auge in deinem Herzen ansehen, nicht mit dem Auge in deinem Kopf

Lame Deer, Sioux

Education Center

  • Position:

pr educaion center 1The Heartkids Education Center started its courses in February 2011!

In order for this work to go beyond sustaining the livelihood, it has to enable people to exit the vicious circle of poverty in a traditional culture. Therefore, we offer vocational trainings to support the young adults in taking off into a new and better future.

Together with the committed doctor Clara Perinchery, we have created the " Heartkids Education Center" to offer young people living in poorest circumstances a perspective.

The offered courses:

- computer courses
- vocational training in tailoring
- handicraft courses
- health and hygiene courses
- nutrition courses for mothers/parents

pr schneiderin 1BACKGROUND

Education is an important basis for the development of a society, be it in the field of economy or health or in social and human development.

We want to enable the poorer class of India's population to get vocational education. Especially for women who face difficult circumstances in life, when getting into complete dependency in an arranged marriage, education shall help them into a life of self-determination. Every sustainable progress in a society depends on the level of education of women since they fundamentally influence the values and moral concept of the following generation.

But also for young men, the possibility of education is essential for their further life path. Moreover, it is our concern to convey a sense of life quality and open the view on a motivating future perspective for the students by offering courses on personal human development.

One of the young women once brought it to the point in a very touching way: With tears in her eyes, she held her school books tight and said "This is my future, and not my marriage!"

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