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Der Erwachsene achtet auf Taten, das Kind auf Liebe

Indisches Sprichwort

Es gibt keine großen Entdeckungen und Fortschritte, solange es noch ein unglückliches Kind auf Erden gibt.

Albert Einstein

Es gibt keine großen Entdeckungen und Fortschritte, solange es noch ein unglückliches Kind auf Erden gibt.

Albert Einstein

Wenn wir wahren Frieden in der Welt erlangen wollen, müssen wir bei den Kindern anfangen.

Mahatma Gandhi

Zwei Dinge sollen Kinder von ihren Eltern bekommen: Wurzeln und Flügel.

J. W. von Goethe

Wie der Mond die Strahlen der Sonne spiegelt, spiegeln Kinder das Licht der Liebe.

Andreas Tenzer

Die höchste Weisheit bleibt die des Herzens.

Spruch der Indianer

Du musst die Dinge mit dem Auge in deinem Herzen ansehen, nicht mit dem Auge in deinem Kopf

Lame Deer, Sioux

The Trust

  • Position:

"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person."
(Mother Teresa)

It is the love to human beings which is the basis of our work – love beyond the colour of our skin, caste or any religion. Out of this love comes a natural compassion with the poorest of the poor, who live in the streets of India under conditions which nobody in Europe could posarunasibly imagine.

Heartkids e.V. was founded in spring 2004 in Freiburg-Breisgau (Germany) by Judith Retz (*1976) as a charitable organisation, and is mostly active in Tiruvannamalai and its surroundings in Tamil Nadu, South India. 
Tiruvannamalai is town at the foot of the holy mountain Arunachala,  which became known in Europe mainly through Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950), The wisdom and humbleness of this sage still touches many people deeply today.


As in many parts of India poverty is immense and the children are the ones who suffer most under these appalling conditions. More than 20% of the population of Tiruvannamalai live in slum like circumstances.

It is the purpose of our association to support the people in need in south India who are underprivileged and socially disadvantaged.

 We accomplish this with different projects and in close collaboration with our Indian partner Heartkids Trust.

Judith Retz spends many months each year there herself to actively accompany  all projects  and guarantee that donations are used to the best pupose.


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